Claiming Host (short version)

  1. Enter the Zoom room in the normal manner from the "Attend" button.
  2. If someone is already the host, ask them to reassign the host role to you.
      (NB: anyone entering the room while logged into the EMDC Zoom account will pull Host status from the Tech Host)
  3. If no one is Host, open the "Participants" panel.  In the lower right hand corner is a link to "Claim Host Role". 
  4. Click that link to open a panel asking for a six digit code called the host key number.
    (Zoom help: Claiming Host.)
  5. Enter the six digit code found in the bottom left of the Staff Assignment page in the admin section.
    (This is the menu screen you used to select your host spots.)  If you do not have access to the Admin section contact one of the EMDC Online staff: Steve Baughman, Jonathan Woodward, Duane Troyer, Carter Spears, Paul Konstanski and ask them for help.   

Helpful screen images:  

  Where the "Claim Host" link is on Zoom.

Where the Host Key Number is located on the Staff Assign listing