Spotlight and Pin are used to select videos (up to 9) which are given priority for display in "Speaker" and "Gallery" views.
This is useful when you want spotlight a speaker or multiple presenters (i.e. a panel), or if you want to include an interpreter with the presenter. To use Spotlight/Pin there must be at least 3 people present in the Zoom session.
Spotlight - Host only
The Spotlight video option can be accessed by clicking "More" when you hover over names in the Participant list which appears along the right edge of your Zoom window when you click the Participants link along the bottom. Using Spotlight Video, the Host can designate up to 9 participants as primary active speakers for all participants. Normal "Speaker view" is disabled and the Participants will only see spotlighted video(s). Spotlighting can also be done during screen sharing. (see Zoom Spotlighting). Participants will not be able to override this setting.*
Pining - Host and other Participants
For Host - Pin video appear to work the same as Spotlight video. Up to 9 participants can be selected. Participant may override videos pinned by the Host by making their own selections.
For Participants - Pin video is found among the options when you click "More" in the upper right of another participants video window. It allows a participant to add another participant's video to the Speaker View. Unlike for Host, these settings only apply to the participant's own local display or local recording. The setting doesn't affect anyone else's display, nor does it modify the cloud recording. If a participant is recording locally and pins a video, the pinned video will be recorded unless the participant who is recording changes their video layout. (from Zoom Pining post)*
* - In "Gallery View," both spotlighted and pinned video(s) are shown at the top/beginning of the Gallery View.
If you have additional information/comments/corrections regarding these two features and how they can be used, please forward that information to Duane Troyer.