Entering & Claiming Host (see this article for instructions with images)

  1. Enter the Zoom room in the normal manner from the "Attend" button.
  2. If someone is already the host, ask them to reassign the host role to you.
      (NB: anyone entering the room while logged into the EMDC Zoom account will pull Host status from the Tech Host)
  3. If no one is Host, open the "Participants" panel.  In the lower right hand corner is a link to "Claim Host Role". 
  4. Click that link to open a panel asking for a six digit code called the host key number.
    (Zoom help: Claiming Host.)
  5. Enter the six digit code found in the bottom left of the Staff Assignment page in the EMDC.online admin section.
    (This is the menu screen you used to select your host spots.)  If you do not have access to the Admin section contact one of the EMDC Online staff: Steve Baughman, Jonathan Woodward, Duane Troyer, Carter Spears, Paul Konstanski and ask them for help.   

Pre-Show Things To Talk Over and Do With the Presenter(s)

  • Grant "Co-Host" privileges to each Presenter.
       In the Participants panel, click on the Presenter's name for dropdown menu with Co-Host option
  • If the Presenter or a co-instructor is going to share screen during the session, recommend that they close all tabs except those needed for the presentation to avoid errors and make their work easier.
  • Ask Presenter How Presentation Ends (i.e., what is the last slide) and find out how many slides.
  • Ask the presenter to put their contact information in the chat box
       It is wise to open an editor and paste into it all the chat messages you will use during the session.
  • Ask if they are going to show video, if they are, then make sure they understand the importance of clicking the two buttons at the bottom of the "Share" screen.
  • Determine if you want to do Q&A during or after. 
  • Determine if you want people to be able to "raise their hand" during the presentation to interrupt (the management of this aspect is handled by the Guest Host, but it is listed here to insure that it gets asked ahead of time.)
  • Have the Presenter practice screen-share and running through a couple of slides/videos from their presentation.
  • Spotlight/Pin - You should decide whether to use spotlight or pin to highlight the Presenter(s).  This is critical especially if one of the presenters is interpreting for others (i.e. signing).  This also will provide better raw video for the editing process.  For more information see the Use of Spotlight and Pin video help article.
  • Stop recording at some point during setup and then restart recording a minute before the scheduled start of the session.   Record Session Host opening and closing to ensure full presentation is captured.  It is easier to cut out what we do not need than to try to replace what we do not have.
  • Ask the Presenter for contact information and any links they wish to share in the Chat during their presentation
      Save these in an editor for easy pasting into the Chat at the appropriate moments.

Technical Host - Things to Type into Chat Bar.

As Technical Host, here are the things that you type into the "Chat Bar".  Keep in mind that people only see the chat from when they log on.  So only paste items 1-4 at about the 10 minute mark, the 5 minute mark and then again post all 7 starting about 2 minutes before the presentation begins. These items are also provided in other languages: (Spanish, French)


To those already online, welcome. You are catching a glimpse of our "behind the scenes" as we get set up. Think of this as a workshop where we are hanging around before the session starts.

While you are waiting for the presentation to start, please state where you are connecting from, what time of day it is for you and what you hope to get from this presentation.

This chat box will be monitored during the presentation. You can put your questions and comments here.

If you had any technical issues on the EMDC.online website, please mention them here. We are looking for ways to improve this online tool.  Comments in that regard are welcome.

Reminder about Zoom. You can adjust the size of the presentation and participant images by grabbing dividing line between the two halves of your Zoom window. You can also adjust the "Speaker View" (See only who is speaking) and "Grid View" (Where you see all who are connected).


The recording will be starting shortly. An announcement to that effect will be coming soon.

If your name and visual should not appear on screen, now is the time to change your name to something generic and hide your video.


Check if the Session Host posted this. If not, post it.
Post your questions in the chat box. It will be monitored during the presentation.

This session is being recorded and will be available in a few days. It is available to all who are enrolled in EMDC.online, not just those who attended the class. The chat and slides (if any) will also available.

The icon in your upper right controls you Zoom view. You can have the speaker full screen with "speaker view" or switch to "grid view" to view all of the participants. Try each out to determine your preference.

Once the presenter starts presenting, put this up.

If the presenters screen is quite small for you, take these steps:

1) Make sure you are viewing Zoom in Full Screen (click the upper right icon in Zoom)

2) Switch to speaker View.

3) Grab the line that separates his screen from the speaker view and drag it all the way to the right so that the majority of your screen is what he is presenting.

Pay attention to any questions that come up and reply appropriate posts either privately or to Everyone.


Session Host - Things To Say

Also refer to the Hosting Instructions (Session Host) article:  https://emdcon.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/48001168377-hosting-instructions-session-host-things-to-do-type-into-chat-bar

A bit of history of EMDC.online.  Previously only in person events. COVID changed that and we moved online to get the training going.

Review some of the upcoming class sessions between now and then.

Encourage people to submit ideas or offer to present.

Common Problems


These are the general "timing" recommendations for the Session Host:

  • Make all announcements and set up prior to the start time
  • At the start time welcome everyone stating what the topic is. Make the announcement about recording, etc.
  • Optional, introduce the speaker (but again, since this will be on a Website, all of that will be available so it isn't necessary.)
  • Open in prayer.
  • Turn it over to the speaker.

Common Questions:

  • What are the limitations on sharing or using the materials with others? 

    We are asking that people only access the video and slides from within the EMDC.online site unless the speaker grants individual permission.

  • When the recordings are posted, they will be available to all who are enrolled? 

    All EMDC regular classes (not training tracks) are recorded and will be available to anyone who is enrolled in EMDC.online., You do not have to attend or select the live class.

  • Can you send me the video and the slides from this presentation? (Answer the person privately, we don't want to "broadcast" this answer to all.)
    We do not have the personnel to distribute the videos and slides to individuals. We ask, if possible, that you wait until they are posted. If you have unique circumstances that require early access, submit a support ticket through the EMDC.online website. Click the "? mark" in the upper nav bar. You may be able to obtain the slides early if you contact the presenter directly. ) Thanks for understanding.