The vast majority of the regular classes conducted on EMDC Online are available to registered users either as a live session or as a recorded archive.

Attending a live session allows you to interact with the instructor and other participants. It is a great way to attend a session and we recommend it as a first priority. But we recognize that is not possible for everyone. In that case we offer you the option of viewing a recording. In some cases, that may be preferable because you can control when and at what speed you watch it.

To get to the archive, please do the following.  You MUST be logged in in order to view the archived classes. Once logged in do the following:

  1. Click on the "Classes" link in the menu bar at the top of the page. (#1 on the first diagram below)
  2. Then click on the "Past" button to switch to past, archived sessions. (#2 also on first diagram)
  3. That will change the listing to "past" classes. Please note how the far right button all changed to say "View Archive." They are either blue and clickable or green and not-clickable. (#3 on second diagram)
  4. Search for your desire class and click it's blue button. (#4 on second diagram).
  5. You first arrive at an overview page and a "Go to Archive" button (#5 on third diagram).
  6. This will bring up a player page where you can play or listen to the video. You can also view the chat and slides if available. (fourth diagram).

Getting to Past Listing

Viewing Archive Listing

Archive Overview Page

Archive Options Page