If you receive a MalwareBytes Block notice (enlarged image below) for one of our trusted sites, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help us out.*
Our trusted sites are:
- EMDC.online
- EMDC.info
- EMDC.blog
- EMDC.guide
- EMDC.live
- EMDC.events
You can help by taking this action:
- Check the box "Do not block this site again for scam" (A)
- Click Continue to Site (B)
Why? To keep others from getting the warning!
MalwareBytes has taken the position of initially blocking many new domains that have some of the expansive list of domain endings.^ There is NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF! We are a safe site. You need to realize that MalwareBytes has taken the position that it is going to block EVERYTHING unless either you tell them it is safe or they do the research to find out it is safe. This block is NOT based on anything on our site... they probably have not even looked at it.
If enough people click that this is safe, it will then train the algorithm that this is a safe site and the artificial intelligence will remove the block. But if you click on this site and then use the "Go Back" or close the browser, you are just feeding their caution and it actually HURTS us!
You can really help us and others by realizing that MalwareBytes is taking this extremely cautious approach. Be smart, but also do not be afraid to go to a site that has been recommended from a trusted source.
This is the warning you may have received.
Two more comments.
*You need to be careful with untrusted site. If you get a strange email from a friend, or it looks like a friend. Or if you do not know the organization being recommended, do a search first. Do some research to see if it seems like a legitimate site. But if you get a notification from a trusted source (like us), you can feel safe with proceeding.
^Although MalwareBytes has been doing this for a while, we have noticed that there has been an increase in warnings like this at or about the time that other tech giants are enforcing more strict protocols. As web consumers, you are going to have to educate yourself on these changes in the internet environment to be assured that you will still have access to good, trusted content. The benefits of malware protection outweights the liabilities, but there are some downsides. This being one of them.