This article describes the actions for you as the presenter at the time of your class. It assumes that your presentation has already been scheduled and attendees have selected to attend. It also assumes that the Zoom meeting has been set up and that you are ready to present from your computer. If you are presenting as an "Interactive Experience" you should read that answer instead.
This timeline describes what the automated EMDC.online software does leading up to the session. The phrase "Start Time" refers to the designated starting time for this presentation. It will be abbreviated as sTime. "End Time" (eTime) designates the time period when this presentation is scheduled to end.
- Anytime Before sTime: Attendees can register to attend. They can even register before it is scheduled or after the sTime has already occurred. This class will disappear from the listing only after the designated eTime.
- Twenty-Four Hours Before sTime: A reminder letter will go out to attendees inviting them to "check in" to this event.
- One-Hour Before sTime: A "starting in one hour" reminder goes out.
- 30-Minutes Before sTime: The "Attend" button appears which when clicked will reveal the Zoom meeting settings. If set up correctly, attendees should be able to join before the presenter in order to have dialog with each other.
- At sTime: Nothing changes on the site, it is simply expected that you begin.
- At eTime: The "Attend" button changes to "Class Ended" and the email for the evaluation goes out just to those who attended (yes, the system knows). NOTE The "evaluation" feature is not yet working. It is scheduled to be done in August.
Presenter Responsibilities
As presenter, your main job is to present. You should know the the drill for how to use appropriate visuals (PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, etc.). using Zoom. If you are uncertain or want to to do a trial run, please submit a ticket to request a practice session. There are a few decisions you will need to make regarding how you want to manage the "host" roles.
Host & Presenting Roles
There are two host roles and one or more presenters. These can be three separate people, or one person can do all three. It is recommended that it be at least two and at best a minimum of three separate people. We are using "host" here to define a person who becomes the focus of the on-screen session for a time period. In order of appearance, the roles are:
- Technical Host: Start the Zoom meeting as "Host" (Zoom definition of host). manages recording, waiting rooms, assist people with connection issues, monitors mute, insures that the Presenting Host is set up correctly as a Zoom "Co-Host", watches the chat for technical issues. In some cases, the technical host will also manage the visuals.
- Session Host: Entertains and dialogs with the attendees as they are arriving. Welcomes people to the session and makes preliminary announcements, opens in prayer and turns over to presenter. Monitors the chat for questions/comments, interjecting them if appropriate. Manages the Q&A at the end. Does closing wrap & needed announcements.
- Presenter(s): They carry the bulk of the time. In most cases the slides, videos and "non-human" on-screen elements (e.g. the visuals) are managed by the presenter or someone from the presenter team. The presenter also has the option of sending slides & video links to the Technical Host in advance so that the tech host runs the slides. The presenter would just call for them to be advanced (or prepare a script to guide the technical host along). With this full-service option, you as the presenter concentrate just on presenting.
Zoom Account
Most often the owner of the Zoom account being used is the one who plays the role of the technical host. They will have the most access to the needed controls. There are alternative ways in which the "host" role can be "assigned" to someone else. Either way is fine as long as someone is designated as the host. EMDC has an account that is most often used for single or repeat classes. There are three combinations for how the technical host (a person) and the Zoom account (the technology) can be set up.
- EMDC-Technical Host, EMDC Zoom Account: EMDC provides the technical host and EMDC Zoom account is used.
- You Self-Host, Own Zoom Account: You need a paid Zoom account that can handle the number of anticipated attendees and the length of your seminar. The free Zoom account has a 40-minute limit and 100 participants. As a self-host you will start the meeting ten minutes before the sTime. You share your own screen and manage all of the chat.
- You Self-Host, EMDC Zoom Account: This is primarily the same as the previous option except that you are using the EMDC Zoom account. You will either be given advance Zoom Host access or an EMDC representative will start the meeting and immediately transfer Zoom Host role to you. From that point on, you are on your own.
In most cases EMDC recommends and may even require the first option. But if EMDC is unavailable to assist or if you feel your presentation will go better with one of the other options, that is fine. Submit a ticket and get the details worked out in advance.
Video Quality Issue
Although your video may have been produced in HD and looks great, it may be a challenge for some of our viewers in internet challenged areas to watch it smoothly. You may want to produce a lower quality version for use in the presentation. The determining factor cannot be how it looks on your screen. It may play great for you and your bandwidth connection may allow you to upload okay and play well for many people. There will be some who are unable to watch it smoothly. It is also important that as you prepare to share a video, you click the "optimize video" button on the bottom of the share screen.
In Session Points
We have prepared another answer that deals with items that you need to do and take care of during the presentation. You can review this document in advance by viewing it here.
To use your own Zoom account, please read this answer.