EMDC Affinity Groups
During EMDC, Affinity Group Facilitators convene meetings along with three main categories: Geographic, Social, Technological. These may vary slightly depending on the location (Europe/Asia), the theme, and the year, but you can get an idea from the list below.
It was one of the best conferences I have attended during the last 20 years of ministry when it comes to location, environment, facilities and program. The time for workshops and interaction (affinity groups) was so excellent and the whole set up of ministry leaders and fieldworkers gave nice opportunities for connections on all levels.
Bengt-Ake Bengtson, IBRA Media
Sample Affinity Groups
- Middle East: M.E., Gulf States, North Africa
- North Central Asia: Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Russia (non-Russian), Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan
- South Central Asia: Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan
- South Asia: India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh
- Southeast Asia: Countries east of Bangladesh
- Turkey, Iraq: including non-Turkish, non-Arabic, and Kurdish
- Sahel and Horn of Africa: Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Chad
- M-Focused Ministry
- B-Focused Ministry
- Roma-Focused Ministry
- Children/ Youth
- Ethno-arts: Music, drama, hand arts
- Orality/ Storytelling
- Social Media: Wikipedia, Crowdsourcing, Open Collab, OC, YouTube, Dailymotion, and social networks (Facebook, Twitter, QQ, VK, Bebo, Badoo)
- Scripture Engagement and Trauma Healing: including substance abuse, HIV
- Women
- Deaf, Sign Language
- Media & Church Planting Movements
- Follow-Up / Contacts
- Advertising/ Marketing
- Literacy in Scripture Engagement
- Radio/ Audio Recording
- Video/ Film
- Mobile Ministry/ Apps
- Websites: security, programming, user experience, best practices – a real idea exchange group
- On-Line Training: Distance Education, Distance Recordings, Multilingual Education
- Games for Engagement: Scripture, discipleship, and education… including online, mobile, and tactile games
- Language Technology: special characters, dictionaries, translation, and including hardware (solar power, etc)
- Publishing: digital and print, intellectual property rights, copyright, publishing agreements