EMDC Participating Organizations

The following organizations have participated in (at least one) EMDC since the first EMDC in 2010.  We have undoubtedly left some off, for which we are sorry!

  1. ABWE
  2. Back to the Bible (US)
  3. Feba-UK
  4. HCJB (Reach Beyond)
  5. The Seed Company
  6. TWR
  7. Wycliffe Associates
  8. WA-UK (Mission Assist)
  9. Jesus Film
  10. House of Hope
  11. FCBH (Faith Comes By Hearing)
  12. United Bible Society
  13. Kalaam Media
  14. Square One World Media (formerly FLN)
  15. GRN
  16. Megavoice
  17. Pamir Productions
  18. United Christian Broadcasters
  19. Telemensahe
  20. Cru
  21. OneHope
  22. Eurasia Gateway
  23. Sabeel Media
  24. SIL Int’l
  25. 10 X Productions
  26. AoG WM
  27. Awana
  28. WEC Int’l
  29. IMB
  30. Distant Shores
  31. IMM
  32. Orientdienst
  33. TEAM
  34. Frontiers
  35. Cooperative Baptists
  36. OMF
  37. Greater Europe Mission
  38. Asia-Pac Nazarene Seminary
  39. Church of the Nazarene
  40. Scripture Earth
  41. Lutheran Bible Translators
  42. Word for the World
  43. Digital Bible Society
  44. Interserve
  45. Phone Publish
  46. Create Int’l
  47. UFM
  48. Wycliffe Global Alliance
  49. Cybermissions .org
  50. World Outreach Int’l
  51. God’s Story
  52. MAF
  53. EFCA Reach Global
  54. OM
  55. Int’l teams
  56. Biblica
  57. CNA-sat
  58. Kairos
  59. GNPI
  60. People Int’l
  61. ERF (Germany)
  62. RAM (Germany)
  63. Linguatech
  64. CBN
  65. 3XM (Netherlands)
  66. YWAM
  67. FM
  68. Renew Outreach
  69. EMO (Germany)
  70. Davar Partners
  71. Slovo (Russia)
  72. CMML
  73. AWM-Pioneers
  74. Visual Story Network
  75. E3 Partners
  76. Christian Vision
  77. FEBC
  78. Echoes of Service
  79. Radio Worldwide
  80. Bibliya Sovemennost
  81. SIM
  82. Global Teams
  83. Sanj
  84. Institute for Bible Translation (Russia)
  85. NLCI (India)
  86. CVTV (Australia)
  87. Divine Media Ministries (India)
  88. Chrestos Mission Foundation
  89. Christian Mission for the Unreached
  90. Digitalmission
  91. Every Home for Christ
  92. Mission to the World
  93. Audio Visual Centre, Pk
  94. Crossworld
  95. Sword Productions
  96. The Family Connection Foundation
  97. KKoncepts
  98. Thailand Bible Society
  99. UWM (United World Mission)
  100. Freedom Films Productions
  101. Translators Association of the Philippines (TAP)
  102. Falam Baptist Church, Yangon Myanmar
  103. Bridgemaker
  104. East Himalayan Language and Literacy Project (EHLLP)
  105. Operation Agape (India)
  106. Foundation Applied Linguistics (FAL)
  107. Association of Baptists of Bangladesh
  108. Zugos Media Outreach/ Akha Church
  109. EuroAsia Consulting
  110. Distancemedia.net /World by Radio/ ICTI
  111. ICBI Media
  112. Hope Tech Global
  113. David C Cook
  114. IBRA
  115. Prime Ev Church (Bangl)
  116. Kolkata AG –India
  117. Parkari Community Development Programme (Pk)
  118. Worldbibles.org
  119. Wycliffe Bible Translators
  120. The Spoken Word (Egypt)
  121. Vernacular Video (MI)
  122. Kartidaya (Indo)
  123. Back to the Bible Sri Lanka
  124. Center for East Asia Religions (CEAR) / Adv
  125. Story4all
  126. Azerbaijan Bib Soc
  127. Oadki Language Community Development Project (Pk)
  128. By Design Visuals
  129. Eternity Studios (India)
  130. Native Missionary Movement
  131. Background Missionary Partners
  132. Derek Prince Ministries
  133. wanderingsheep.net
  134. Bible Distribution League
  135. Good News Broadcasting Society (BTB India)
  136. FBR (Myan)
  137. FLOM
  138. Follow Jesus Training T4T
  139. Safe Family Nepal
  140. North Thailand Christian Mission
  141. Institute of Applied Linguistics Trust (Pk)
  142. GMP (Bangl)
  143. Dynamic Churches Int’l
  144. MITTAM Foundation
  145. Cityteam
  146. Roma Bible Society
  147. International Christian Media Commission
  148. World Horizons
  149. Gulf Coast Christian Church of Spain
  150. Voice of Peace
  151. MediaLight
  152. Mobile Advance
  153. ION (Int Orality Network)
  154. Jesus Messiah Picturebook/Wycliffe Bijbelvertalers Nederlands
  155. GIAL (Grad Inst. Applied Linguistics)
  156. AEM e.V. (Germany)
  157. Gateway Medical Alliance
  158. Vinya Studios
  159. Deaf Bible
  160. OC International
  161. Mongolia TEE (Theological Education by Extension)
  162. Missional Digerati
  163. Recon Media School –Ukraine
  164. Bethel City Cathedral (India)
  165. SAT-7
  166. Bible Transmission
  167. MEM
  168. Tele-Vie-Deo
  169. Jesus.net
  170. Scripture Union
  171. Asian Concerns Int’l
  172. Icon Media Productions
  173. MCDO-Punjab
  174. Behind the Scene -Egypt
  175. CAN Ministries -Pk-stan
  176. Toki Art Studio, Tj-stan
  177. One Sheep
  178. unfoldingWord
  179. LTCi India
  180. Jesus Gospel Assemblies, Pk
  181. Tatar Ministry, Russia
  182. YouVersion
  183. DEO Recordings Association (CCM Media), Poland
  184. SGM Lifewords
  185. Youth for Christ
  186. PEFCOC, India
  187. GoldenRipe
  188. Lingopolo
  189. Radio1 FM91, Pk-stan
  190. Talking Books Int’l
  191. Christian Radio Missionary Fellowship (CRMF)
  192. The Home of Translators and Linguists (THTL, Pk-stn)
  193. GemStone Media
  194. Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry
  195. ROCK International
  196. MHL Kr–g-stn
  197. DMG Germany
  198. Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement
  199. Prodigal Productions
  200. Presbyterian Church of Pk-stn
  201. Kingdom IT
  202. SEED International
  203. Mark 5 Ministries
  204. Truth in One Minute
  205. International Students Inc.
  206. Voice of the Martyrs
  207. One Mission Society (OMS)
  208. M13 (Media Follow up)
  209. Cornerstone Missionary Training College
  210. Open Doors (NL)
  211. WordProject
  212. ZakBijbelBond (NL)
  213. Hands to Serve
  214. TransVision
  215. Shine Initiatives
  216. Asian Society of Frontier Missiology (ASFM)
  217. Straight Path Resources (Press On Prod)
  218. Global Development Association
  219. ZetaLight (India)
  220. MRDS (Millenium Relief and Development Services)
  221. Punjab Bible College (India)
  222. GUIDE International
  223. Olive Technology (India)
  224. My Media
  225. LEAD Asia
  226. RUN Ministries
  227. Global University
  228. Gekari Haleluya Church Indonesia
  229. Evangel Bible Translators
  230. Expat Media Pro
  231. In Touch Mission International
  232. Pioneer Bible Translators
  233. Thailand Adventist Miss
  234. Friends of Agape
  235. Bridge Connectivity Solutions (India)
  236. Himjyoti Charitable Society (India)
  237. Christian Community Service Center (India)
  238. Aaradhana Church (India)
  239. Literacy & Evangelism International
  240. Tian Shan Mission Society, Kyrg-z-stn
  241. Forerunner Global Outreach
  242. Visual Word Media
  243. ZebStudio Pk-stn
  244. Hope International Schools
  245. Media Mission Messengers – Sansa Finland
  246. YMP3 Indonesia
  247. Simon Media Indonesia
  248. Joel Productions (India)
  249. Calvary Ministries CAPRO, Nigeria
  250. Friends of Asia Foundation
  251. Kachhi Community Development Association (Pk-stn)
  252. Marwari Community Development Org. (Pk-stn)
  253. Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
  254. Creative Action International, Singapore
  255. Bible Training Center for Persians
  256. Bibles International, BMM
  257. Weavers, Evangelism Exp
  258. Contexture Intl
  259. Vida Abundante Timor
  260. Himalaya Technology Solutions, Nepal
  261. Upper Myanmar Chinese Baptist Convention
  262. Redcliffe College
  263. Action International Ministries
  264. ECHO Asia Impact Center
  265. Gereja Injili Di Indonesia (GIDI)
  266. Partnership Publishing House India
  267. Bibles For The World
  268. WeDevote Bible Hong Kong
  269. Asia-Pacific International University
  270. Rhema for the Nations
  271. Helps Ministries International
  272. HCR
  273. Ekklessiya (Trkmenstn)
  274. Roshan (Pk-stn)
  275. Qombi Media Consulting eU
  276. T4Global
  277. Bible Online Russia
  278. ASHA Handicrafts Association (India)
  279. Centrum voor Bijbelonderzoek
  280. DOTA.net (Discipleship Training on the Air)
  281. Windsock Films
  282. Iranian Bible Society
  283. In Touch Ministries
  284. TDM Internacional
  285. SSD
  286. Ufuq Services (Baku)
  287. FCBM (Friendship Community Based Ministry)
  288. Heart2Heart TV
  289. Super Bible
  290. Arab World Media
  291. LightSys
  292. BurushaskiLS
  293. Harvest Media Ministry
  294. New India Church of God
  295. Visual Word Media 
  296. New Harvest Global Ministries
  297. TP MediaHouse
  298. Araadhak International Ministries (India)
  299. Side by Side
  300. Sarang Community Church
  301. Sadhu Sundar Singh Memorial Church
  302. Light in Action
  303. AsiaLink
  304. Words of Hope
  305. Fazale Rab Ministry
  306. Austin Stone Church
  307. TBTA – The Bible Translators Assistant
  308. Christianityworks
  309. Key Communications
  310. Yaşam Kilisesi (Istanbul)
  311. Crosswired
  312. Kalimatullah (Pk-stn)
  313. Great Commission Ministry Ethiopia
  314. GlobalRize
  315. SonSet Solutions
  316. Arabic Church in Germany
  317. Across (So Sudan)
  318. Lifegate in Africa
  319. Pinsekirken Randers (Denmark)
  320. International Council of Ethnodoxologists (ICE)
  321. OmegaAudioBible.com
  322. wornsoulimages.com
  323. Comix35
  324. Australian Society for Indigenous Languages
  325. ebible.org
  326. Academy for the Nations, Nigeria
  327. Arab Vision
  328. Africa Inland Mission (AIM Int’l)
  329. Eternity Ministries (Nigeria)
  330. The Lord’s Day Church (Pk)
  331. World Missionary Press
  332. ReachAcross
  333. The BibleBox
  334. Asia Pacific Media
  335. Nehemiah Ministry (Myan)
  336. Hope Alive Foundation
  337. Language and Social Development Organization (Myanmar)
  338. Central Asia Fellowship
  339. Audio Scripture Ministries
  340. Desert Community Church International
  341. Freely-Given.org
  342. Gospel Wave Media Ministry (Tkmn)
  343. International Sharif Bible Society
  344. AIM Thai Foundation
  345. Unit Bahasa & Budaya (UBB) Indonesia
  346. El-Bethel Power Ministries
  347. Korea Research Institute for Mission (KRIM)
  348. The Way of Life (Thailand)
  349. Connections Bangladesh
  350. Gospel India Ministries
  351. Galcom International
  352. SPECS (Mal)
  353. Lutheran Hour Ministries
  354. Good Books Educational Trust (India)
  355. TLA Educational Trust (India)
  356. World Cassette Outreach of India
  357. Voice of Love Cambodia
  358. Our Daily Bread Ministries
  359. Relay Trust
  360. ITECH
  361. Project Video- Crossbow Media
  362. Love for Asia Foundation
  363. RecordedWord Inc.
  364. MidSwedenAid
  365. Omega Power Enterprises India
  366. Good News FM Radio Nepal
  367. Blessing for Nations Ethiopia
  368. Calvary Chapel
  369. Mekong River Basin Development Foundation
  370. American Bible Society
  371. Tirta TV Indonesia
  372. The Bible Society in Cambodia
  373. Light of Hope Media
  374. Mission of Christ Network
  375. HIS Nepal, Beautiful Feet Ministries
  376. Finnish Bible Society
  377. Wesleyan Church of Sierra Leone.(W.C.S.L)
  378. Digital Bibles for the World
  379. Praxeis Indonesia
  380. GVM Gospel Vision Ministries
  381. Evangelical Free Church of India
  382. Spread Truth
  383. Press Bible
  384. Komunitas Cahaya Indonesia
  385. Lutheran Media (Australia)
  386. Feba India
  387. Newari Christian Literature Centre
  388. Ethnos (formerly New Tribes)
  389. Trinet / Wings
  390. Suluh Insan Lestari (Indonesia)
  391. Mentors & Business Coaches International
  392. Global Media Outreach
  393. Freedom International
  394. Global Outreach
  395. Team Expansion
  396. AMI (Antioch)
  397. Southeast Asia Nazarene Bible College (SEANBC)
  398. Alpha Bible Churches of India
  399. New Life Ministries (Japan)
  400. Earth Mission Asia
  401. TILL (Translating for India’s Leading Languages)
  402. Asia CMS (Christian Missionary Society)
  403. One Eight Catalyst
  404. MDone Radio Mongolia
  405. SABDA (Indo)
  406. Abundant Life Foundation
  407. Anchored North
  408. OneWay Ministries
  409. Siyyon Calvary Church, Pk-stn
  410. Agape Elpis Evangelical Ministries- Pk-stn
  411. Freedom in Christ (India)
  412. Lhowa Fellowship Nepal
  413. Mexican Medical Ministries
  414. Heap Systems, So Af.
  415. Vineyard Media, Ghana
  416. Philadelphia Pentecostal Church Pk-stn
  417. Life in Jesus Ministries (India)
  418. Independent Church of Bangl-dsh
  419. Peace of Life Society (India)
  420. International Association for Refugees
  421. Chasm Solutions
  422. Evangelische Omroep EO Netherlands
  423. Promise Media, Nepal
  424. REACH, Inc.
  425. Quirky Motion
  426. BMS World Mission
  427. Global CHE Network
  428. Virtual Reality Church
  429. TVs4Jesus.org
  430. SEAN International
  431. ACT Society (India)
  432. Life Society (India)
  433. Crescent Project
  434. visionSynergy
  435. Mission to the Unreached (India)
  436. Eternal Life Fellowship Society (India)
  437. Nepal Lhomi Society
  438. Media Mission Christian Support Services (India)
  439. Vishwa Vani Missionary Movement (India)
  440. Freedom Ascent
  441. Zion Media/ Janata Television (Nepal)
  442. Nepal Peoples Network
  443. Arabian Peninsula Partnership
  444. Power to Change
  445. Discovering God Videos
  446. CreateMedia.School (DE)
  447. Missionswerk MSD
  448. C&MA
  449. PM Internacional
  450. Acorn Investing
  451. Alive Africa Initiative
  452. SRG
  453. PKN (NL)
  454. Shema Media Group (Tk)
  455. LIST, Luke Initiative for Scripture Translation (Nigeria)
  456. Josh McDowell Ministry
  457. Lagrave Agency
  458. CLC Multi-Language Media
  459. OneWay Ministries
  460. Zumé Project
  461. Mexican Medical Ministries
  462. Matchstick Media
  463. LUMO
  464. Dallas International University
  465. Freedom Ascent
  466. Bible Society of Ghana
  467. ELION Media Ministry (Serbia)
  468. ASFM (Africa)
  469. Ticro (Tjk-stan)
  470. C&MA (Christian & Missionary Alliance)
  471. Gospel Calls
  472. Bethel Church (India)
  473. Banner Communications, Light of Life Initiative
  474. SEANET, India
  475. Strongroots NL
  476. Alongsiders International
  477. Gospel Echoing Missionary Society (GEMS) / MHS, India
  478. Compassion Focus Ministry India
  479. FCBM (Eth/ Djib)
  480. Jesus Loves Ministries (Ind)
  481. Fazle Rab Ministry (Pk-stn/ S Af)
  482. PACTEC International
  483. Kavanah Media
  484. Tyros Global
  485. MENA Union
  486. Bible League International
  487. Al’ Khair Trust, Pkstn
  488. Bovenlandse Indianen Suriname
  489. alltheword.org
  490. Global Outreach
  491. Mission Quest
  492. Zeven TV
  493. Faith2Share
  494. Cornerstone Trust
  495. Youth for Christ
  496. GILLBT: Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy, and Bible Translation
  497. Zindagi TV
  498. Transformation Media Trust (B-ngl-desh)
  499. Zeb Studio & TP Mediahouse (Pk-stn)
  500. Scripture Union
  501. Nuba Media
  502. Bible for the Nations
  503. Savo’s Productions (Bulgaria)
  504. WorldVenture
  505. Stichting Gave (NL)
  506. City Bible Foundation
  507. Tearfund
  508. SIM Int’l
  509. Pathfinders
  510. OneBook
  511. BBF International
  512. Kristalaya Mercy Mission
  513. Across
  514. Samaritan’s Purse
  515. Christar
  516. Lingopolo
  517. Platform 127
  518. SABDA (Ind-nesia)
  519. Netherlands Bible Society
  520. 222 Ministries (Ir-n)
  521. Midi Bible
  522. CNA-Holland
  523. Kivah
  524. BeLive Media (DE, Ir-n)
  525. The Bible Project
  526. Janz Tonstudio (Teach Beyond)
  527. Heavenly Blessing Network
  528. Farming 4 Life
  529. Vrij Zijn
  530. ChristianLingua
  531. CBB
  532. Jesus Redeems Ministries, India
  533. Vote Tech B.V.
  534. GBV Germany
  535. Cybernemesis Technologies
  536. Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
  537. IT-Connection,  Egypt
  538. Media Mir, Russia
  539. A Bridge To The Table
  540. Cinema Verità
  541. Yangon United Mission Church
  542. Hope Channel MENA
  543. BiblePlaces.com
  544. Talking Bibles International
  545. Word Life Foundation, India
  546. Integral Research Center, Nepal
  547. Gospel Ambition
  548. A A Translation Services, India
© EMDC 2019-2020. All Rights Reserved.