EMDC Participating Organizations
The following organizations have participated in (at least one) EMDC since the first EMDC in 2010. We have undoubtedly left some off, for which we are sorry!
- Back to the Bible (US)
- Feba-UK
- HCJB (Reach Beyond)
- The Seed Company
- Wycliffe Associates
- WA-UK (Mission Assist)
- Jesus Film
- House of Hope
- FCBH (Faith Comes By Hearing)
- United Bible Society
- Kalaam Media
- Square One World Media (formerly FLN)
- Megavoice
- Pamir Productions
- United Christian Broadcasters
- Telemensahe
- Cru
- OneHope
- Eurasia Gateway
- Sabeel Media
- SIL Int’l
- 10 X Productions
- AoG WM
- Awana
- WEC Int’l
- Distant Shores
- Orientdienst
- Frontiers
- Cooperative Baptists
- Greater Europe Mission
- Asia-Pac Nazarene Seminary
- Church of the Nazarene
- Scripture Earth
- Lutheran Bible Translators
- Word for the World
- Digital Bible Society
- Interserve
- Phone Publish
- Create Int’l
- Wycliffe Global Alliance
- Cybermissions .org
- World Outreach Int’l
- God’s Story
- EFCA Reach Global
- OM
- Int’l teams
- Biblica
- CNA-sat
- Kairos
- People Int’l
- ERF (Germany)
- RAM (Germany)
- Linguatech
- 3XM (Netherlands)
- FM
- Renew Outreach
- EMO (Germany)
- Davar Partners
- Slovo (Russia)
- AWM-Pioneers
- Visual Story Network
- E3 Partners
- Christian Vision
- Echoes of Service
- Radio Worldwide
- Bibliya Sovemennost
- Global Teams
- Sanj
- Institute for Bible Translation (Russia)
- NLCI (India)
- CVTV (Australia)
- Divine Media Ministries (India)
- Chrestos Mission Foundation
- Christian Mission for the Unreached
- Digitalmission
- Every Home for Christ
- Mission to the World
- Audio Visual Centre, Pk
- Crossworld
- Sword Productions
- The Family Connection Foundation
- KKoncepts
- Thailand Bible Society
- UWM (United World Mission)
- Freedom Films Productions
- Translators Association of the Philippines (TAP)
- Falam Baptist Church, Yangon Myanmar
- Bridgemaker
- East Himalayan Language and Literacy Project (EHLLP)
- Operation Agape (India)
- Foundation Applied Linguistics (FAL)
- Association of Baptists of Bangladesh
- Zugos Media Outreach/ Akha Church
- EuroAsia Consulting
- Distancemedia.net /World by Radio/ ICTI
- ICBI Media
- Hope Tech Global
- David C Cook
- Prime Ev Church (Bangl)
- Kolkata AG –India
- Parkari Community Development Programme (Pk)
- Worldbibles.org
- Wycliffe Bible Translators
- The Spoken Word (Egypt)
- Vernacular Video (MI)
- Kartidaya (Indo)
- Back to the Bible Sri Lanka
- Center for East Asia Religions (CEAR) / Adv
- Story4all
- Azerbaijan Bib Soc
- Oadki Language Community Development Project (Pk)
- By Design Visuals
- Eternity Studios (India)
- Native Missionary Movement
- Background Missionary Partners
- Derek Prince Ministries
- wanderingsheep.net
- Bible Distribution League
- Good News Broadcasting Society (BTB India)
- FBR (Myan)
- Follow Jesus Training T4T
- Safe Family Nepal
- North Thailand Christian Mission
- Institute of Applied Linguistics Trust (Pk)
- GMP (Bangl)
- Dynamic Churches Int’l
- MITTAM Foundation
- Cityteam
- Roma Bible Society
- International Christian Media Commission
- World Horizons
- Gulf Coast Christian Church of Spain
- Voice of Peace
- MediaLight
- Mobile Advance
- ION (Int Orality Network)
- Jesus Messiah Picturebook/Wycliffe Bijbelvertalers Nederlands
- GIAL (Grad Inst. Applied Linguistics)
- AEM e.V. (Germany)
- Gateway Medical Alliance
- Vinya Studios
- Deaf Bible
- OC International
- Mongolia TEE (Theological Education by Extension)
- Missional Digerati
- Recon Media School –Ukraine
- Bethel City Cathedral (India)
- SAT-7
- Bible Transmission
- Tele-Vie-Deo
- Jesus.net
- Scripture Union
- Asian Concerns Int’l
- Icon Media Productions
- MCDO-Punjab
- Behind the Scene -Egypt
- CAN Ministries -Pk-stan
- Toki Art Studio, Tj-stan
- One Sheep
- unfoldingWord
- LTCi India
- Jesus Gospel Assemblies, Pk
- Tatar Ministry, Russia
- YouVersion
- DEO Recordings Association (CCM Media), Poland
- SGM Lifewords
- Youth for Christ
- PEFCOC, India
- GoldenRipe
- Lingopolo
- Radio1 FM91, Pk-stan
- Talking Books Int’l
- Christian Radio Missionary Fellowship (CRMF)
- The Home of Translators and Linguists (THTL, Pk-stn)
- GemStone Media
- Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry
- ROCK International
- MHL Kr–g-stn
- DMG Germany
- Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement
- Prodigal Productions
- Presbyterian Church of Pk-stn
- Kingdom IT
- SEED International
- Mark 5 Ministries
- Truth in One Minute
- International Students Inc.
- Voice of the Martyrs
- One Mission Society (OMS)
- M13 (Media Follow up)
- Cornerstone Missionary Training College
- Open Doors (NL)
- WordProject
- ZakBijbelBond (NL)
- Hands to Serve
- TransVision
- Shine Initiatives
- Asian Society of Frontier Missiology (ASFM)
- Straight Path Resources (Press On Prod)
- Global Development Association
- ZetaLight (India)
- MRDS (Millenium Relief and Development Services)
- Punjab Bible College (India)
- GUIDE International
- Olive Technology (India)
- My Media
- LEAD Asia
- RUN Ministries
- Global University
- Gekari Haleluya Church Indonesia
- Evangel Bible Translators
- Expat Media Pro
- In Touch Mission International
- Pioneer Bible Translators
- Thailand Adventist Miss
- Friends of Agape
- Bridge Connectivity Solutions (India)
- Himjyoti Charitable Society (India)
- Christian Community Service Center (India)
- Aaradhana Church (India)
- Literacy & Evangelism International
- Tian Shan Mission Society, Kyrg-z-stn
- Forerunner Global Outreach
- Visual Word Media
- ZebStudio Pk-stn
- Hope International Schools
- Media Mission Messengers – Sansa Finland
- YMP3 Indonesia
- Simon Media Indonesia
- Joel Productions (India)
- Calvary Ministries CAPRO, Nigeria
- Friends of Asia Foundation
- Kachhi Community Development Association (Pk-stn)
- Marwari Community Development Org. (Pk-stn)
- Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
- Creative Action International, Singapore
- Bible Training Center for Persians
- Bibles International, BMM
- Weavers, Evangelism Exp
- Contexture Intl
- Vida Abundante Timor
- Himalaya Technology Solutions, Nepal
- Upper Myanmar Chinese Baptist Convention
- Redcliffe College
- Action International Ministries
- ECHO Asia Impact Center
- Gereja Injili Di Indonesia (GIDI)
- Partnership Publishing House India
- Bibles For The World
- WeDevote Bible Hong Kong
- Asia-Pacific International University
- Rhema for the Nations
- Helps Ministries International
- Ekklessiya (Trkmenstn)
- Roshan (Pk-stn)
- Qombi Media Consulting eU
- T4Global
- Bible Online Russia
- ASHA Handicrafts Association (India)
- Centrum voor Bijbelonderzoek
- DOTA.net (Discipleship Training on the Air)
- Windsock Films
- Iranian Bible Society
- In Touch Ministries
- TDM Internacional
- Ufuq Services (Baku)
- FCBM (Friendship Community Based Ministry)
- Heart2Heart TV
- Super Bible
- Arab World Media
- LightSys
- BurushaskiLS
- Harvest Media Ministry
- New India Church of God
- Visual Word Media
- New Harvest Global Ministries
- TP MediaHouse
- Araadhak International Ministries (India)
- Side by Side
- Sarang Community Church
- Sadhu Sundar Singh Memorial Church
- Light in Action
- AsiaLink
- Words of Hope
- Fazale Rab Ministry
- Austin Stone Church
- TBTA – The Bible Translators Assistant
- Christianityworks
- Key Communications
- Yaşam Kilisesi (Istanbul)
- Crosswired
- Kalimatullah (Pk-stn)
- Great Commission Ministry Ethiopia
- GlobalRize
- SonSet Solutions
- Arabic Church in Germany
- Across (So Sudan)
- Lifegate in Africa
- Pinsekirken Randers (Denmark)
- International Council of Ethnodoxologists (ICE)
- OmegaAudioBible.com
- wornsoulimages.com
- Comix35
- Australian Society for Indigenous Languages
- ebible.org
- Academy for the Nations, Nigeria
- Arab Vision
- Africa Inland Mission (AIM Int’l)
- Eternity Ministries (Nigeria)
- The Lord’s Day Church (Pk)
- World Missionary Press
- ReachAcross
- The BibleBox
- Asia Pacific Media
- Nehemiah Ministry (Myan)
- Hope Alive Foundation
- Language and Social Development Organization (Myanmar)
- Central Asia Fellowship
- Audio Scripture Ministries
- Desert Community Church International
- Freely-Given.org
- Gospel Wave Media Ministry (Tkmn)
- International Sharif Bible Society
- AIM Thai Foundation
- Unit Bahasa & Budaya (UBB) Indonesia
- El-Bethel Power Ministries
- Korea Research Institute for Mission (KRIM)
- The Way of Life (Thailand)
- Connections Bangladesh
- Gospel India Ministries
- Galcom International
- SPECS (Mal)
- Lutheran Hour Ministries
- Good Books Educational Trust (India)
- TLA Educational Trust (India)
- World Cassette Outreach of India
- Voice of Love Cambodia
- Our Daily Bread Ministries
- Relay Trust
- Project Video- Crossbow Media
- Love for Asia Foundation
- RecordedWord Inc.
- MidSwedenAid
- Omega Power Enterprises India
- Good News FM Radio Nepal
- Blessing for Nations Ethiopia
- Calvary Chapel
- Mekong River Basin Development Foundation
- American Bible Society
- Tirta TV Indonesia
- The Bible Society in Cambodia
- Light of Hope Media
- Mission of Christ Network
- HIS Nepal, Beautiful Feet Ministries
- Finnish Bible Society
- Wesleyan Church of Sierra Leone.(W.C.S.L)
- Digital Bibles for the World
- Praxeis Indonesia
- GVM Gospel Vision Ministries
- Evangelical Free Church of India
- Spread Truth
- Press Bible
- Komunitas Cahaya Indonesia
- Lutheran Media (Australia)
- Feba India
- Newari Christian Literature Centre
- Ethnos (formerly New Tribes)
- Trinet / Wings
- Suluh Insan Lestari (Indonesia)
- Mentors & Business Coaches International
- Global Media Outreach
- Freedom International
- Global Outreach
- Team Expansion
- AMI (Antioch)
- Southeast Asia Nazarene Bible College (SEANBC)
- Alpha Bible Churches of India
- New Life Ministries (Japan)
- Earth Mission Asia
- TILL (Translating for India’s Leading Languages)
- Asia CMS (Christian Missionary Society)
- One Eight Catalyst
- MDone Radio Mongolia
- SABDA (Indo)
- Abundant Life Foundation
- Anchored North
- OneWay Ministries
- Siyyon Calvary Church, Pk-stn
- Agape Elpis Evangelical Ministries- Pk-stn
- Freedom in Christ (India)
- Lhowa Fellowship Nepal
- Mexican Medical Ministries
- Heap Systems, So Af.
- Vineyard Media, Ghana
- Philadelphia Pentecostal Church Pk-stn
- Life in Jesus Ministries (India)
- Independent Church of Bangl-dsh
- Peace of Life Society (India)
- International Association for Refugees
- Chasm Solutions
- Evangelische Omroep EO Netherlands
- Promise Media, Nepal
- REACH, Inc.
- Quirky Motion
- BMS World Mission
- Global CHE Network
- Virtual Reality Church
- TVs4Jesus.org
- SEAN International
- ACT Society (India)
- Life Society (India)
- Crescent Project
- visionSynergy
- Mission to the Unreached (India)
- Eternal Life Fellowship Society (India)
- Nepal Lhomi Society
- Media Mission Christian Support Services (India)
- Vishwa Vani Missionary Movement (India)
- Freedom Ascent
- Zion Media/ Janata Television (Nepal)
- Nepal Peoples Network
- Arabian Peninsula Partnership
- Power to Change
- Discovering God Videos
- CreateMedia.School (DE)
- Missionswerk MSD
- C&MA
- PM Internacional
- Acorn Investing
- Alive Africa Initiative
- PKN (NL)
- Shema Media Group (Tk)
- LIST, Luke Initiative for Scripture Translation (Nigeria)
- Josh McDowell Ministry
- Lagrave Agency
- CLC Multi-Language Media
- OneWay Ministries
- Zumé Project
- Mexican Medical Ministries
- Matchstick Media
- Dallas International University
- Freedom Ascent
- Bible Society of Ghana
- ELION Media Ministry (Serbia)
- ASFM (Africa)
- Ticro (Tjk-stan)
- C&MA (Christian & Missionary Alliance)
- Gospel Calls
- Bethel Church (India)
- Banner Communications, Light of Life Initiative
- SEANET, India
- Strongroots NL
- Alongsiders International
- Gospel Echoing Missionary Society (GEMS) / MHS, India
- Compassion Focus Ministry India
- FCBM (Eth/ Djib)
- Jesus Loves Ministries (Ind)
- Fazle Rab Ministry (Pk-stn/ S Af)
- PACTEC International
- Kavanah Media
- Tyros Global
- MENA Union
- Bible League International
- Al’ Khair Trust, Pkstn
- Bovenlandse Indianen Suriname
- alltheword.org
- Global Outreach
- Mission Quest
- Zeven TV
- Faith2Share
- Cornerstone Trust
- Youth for Christ
- GILLBT: Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy, and Bible Translation
- Zindagi TV
- Transformation Media Trust (B-ngl-desh)
- Zeb Studio & TP Mediahouse (Pk-stn)
- Scripture Union
- Nuba Media
- Bible for the Nations
- Savo’s Productions (Bulgaria)
- WorldVenture
- Stichting Gave (NL)
- City Bible Foundation
- Tearfund
- SIM Int’l
- Pathfinders
- OneBook
- BBF International
- Kristalaya Mercy Mission
- Across
- Samaritan’s Purse
- Christar
- Lingopolo
- Platform 127
- SABDA (Ind-nesia)
- Netherlands Bible Society
- 222 Ministries (Ir-n)
- Midi Bible
- CNA-Holland
- Kivah
- BeLive Media (DE, Ir-n)
- The Bible Project
- Janz Tonstudio (Teach Beyond)
- Heavenly Blessing Network
- Farming 4 Life
- Vrij Zijn
- ChristianLingua
- Jesus Redeems Ministries, India
- Vote Tech B.V.
- GBV Germany
- Cybernemesis Technologies
- Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
- IT-Connection, Egypt
- Media Mir, Russia
- A Bridge To The Table
- Cinema Verità
- Yangon United Mission Church
- Hope Channel MENA
- BiblePlaces.com
- Talking Bibles International
- Word Life Foundation, India
- Integral Research Center, Nepal
- Gospel Ambition
- A A Translation Services, India
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