EMDC Reduced Rates
EMDC receives no funding from foundations or organizations. Our volunteer team needs to cover expenses with our small registration fees, and we waive these fees for hundreds of attendees every year. In many cases, a 3-day conference is $300 or $400. Our 4-day EMDC early rate is $70. We also offer other reductions.
These Reduced Rates will apply:
These EMDC reduced registration rates are available during the “normal or early registration” time. During the “late registration,” all fees will be at the “late” rate. Reduced rates are for EMDC registration (not for housing) can be one of the following:
Group Rate
For a group of five or more participants in one organization, school, or training institution that registers together (Except SIL, WBT, TSCO, Cru, IMB and large organizations). In the drop-down list there is Group Rate. We will give you the password.
Assistant Trainers Rate
For individuals coming as assisting trainers for the pre-EMDC or post-EMDC training (drop-down as Assistant rate).
Special Rate
For individuals holding a passport from Eurasian, Central Asian, or South Asian countries (defined by EMDC) (see drop down for special waiver rate).
Couple Rate
For the spouse of a registered attendee. This will be in the drop-down option as couple rate.
Student Rate
Young student of universities and Bible Schools can apply for the Student rate in the drop-down list.
Beyond these listed rates, no other discounts are provided. Breakout presenters do not get a discounted rate